Francesco (Clemente)

Francesco (Clemente)

Schizoid Personality Blog

creative blog of a schizoid personality

Music, movies, books, love, inspirations, designs and more

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Portuguese Songs of the Sea

I'm currently swimming in Portuguese music. "Sweet Bridges", Mariza, fado, songs of the sea... I like Canção do Mar by Dulce Pontes (originally by Amália Rodrigues), its instrumental cover by Mariano do Rego and the way it fits the Tudors in certain moments.

But my favourite is 'O Mare e Tu by Andrea Bocelli and Dulce. I love the sound, the video and the way their voices fuse. Sources say it was written by Enzo Gragnaniello in Neapolitan. The songs are old, so the lyrics are pathos and quite theatrical (histrionic?), but still they sound amazing in Portuguese. Needless to say I love the language.

Andrea Bocelli with Dulce Pontes 'O Mare e tu - correct translation traducción точный перевод

Portuguese: Sentir em nós
English: To feel in us,
Spanish: Sentir en nosotros
Russian: Чувствуем в нас

Portuguese: Sentir em nós
English: To feel in us,
Spanish: Sintiendo en nosotros
Russian: Чувствуем в нас  

Portuguese: Uma razão para não ficarmos sós
English: A reason not to stay alone
Spanish: Una razón para no quedarnos solos
Russian: Причину оставаться вдвоем 

Portuguese: E nesse abraço forte
English: In that strong embrace  
Spanish: Y en ese abrazo fuerte
Russian: В этих крепких объятьях 

Portuguese: Sentir o mar
English: I feel the sea.
Spanish: Sentir el mar
Russian: Мы чувствуем море  

Portuguese: Na nossa voz,
English: In our voice  
Spanish: En nuestra voz
Russian: В нашем голосе 

Portuguese: Chorar como quem sonha sempre navegar
English: There's a cry of someone who dreams of navigating
Spanish: Llorar como quien sueña siempre navegar
Russian: Слышен крик тех, кто мечтает плыть 

Portuguese: Nas velas rubras deste amor
English: Under scarlet sail of this love
Spanish: En las velas apasionadas de este amor
Russian: Под парусами этой любви 

Portuguese: Ao longe a barca louca perde o norte.
English: In the distance the barque loses its way.
Spanish: En la distancia la barca loca pierde el norte.
Russian: Вдалеке неистовая лодка теряет ориентиры.

Portuguese: Meu amor
Spanish: Amor mío
English: My love
Neapolitan: Ammore mio
Russian: Любовь моя 

Portuguese: Se não estivesse aqui o mar e tu
Spanish: Si no existiese el mar y tú
English: If the sea and you were not here 
Neapolitan: Si nun ce stess'o mare e tu
Russian: Если бы здесь не было моря и тебя, 

Portuguese: Eu também não estaria aqui
Spanish: Yo tampoco estaría.
English: I wouldn't be here either.  
Neapolitan: Nun ce stesse manch'io
Russian: Меня бы тоже здесь не было  

Portuguese: Meu amor
Spanish: Amor mío
English: My love  
Neapolitan: Ammore mio
Russian: Моя любовь, 

Portuguese: O amor existe quando nós
Spanish: Si nuestro amor se fuese un día
English: Love exists when we are 
Neapolitan: L'amore esiste quanno nuje
Russian: Ты существуешь пока 

Portuguese: Estamos próximos de Deus.
Spanish: Dios nos lo encontraría
English: Close to God
Neapolitan: Stamme vicino a Dio
Russian: Мы есть под небесами. 

Neapolitan: Ammore

Portuguese: No teu olhar
Spanish: En tus ojos
English: In your eyes 
Russian: В твоих глазах 

Portuguese: Um espelho de água
Spanish: Un espejo de agua
English: There's the reflection of water 
Russian: Отражение воды

Portuguese: A vida a navegar por entre o sonho e a mágoa
Spanish: Toda la vida navegar entre el sueño y el dolor
English: And of life navigating between the dream and the pain. 
Russian: И жизни, плавающей между мечтаньями и болью.

Portuguese: Sem um adeus sequer.
Spanish: Sin siquiera un adios
English: Without a word of goodbye 
Russian: Без единого слова прощанья

Portuguese: E mansamente,
Spanish: Y en silencio
English: And gently 
Russian: Нежно

Portuguese: Talvez no mar,
Spanish: Tal vez en el mar,
English: Perhaps in the sea 
Russian: Быть может, в море

Portuguese: Eu feita espuma encontre o sal do teu olhar,
Spanish: Yo hecha espuma encuentre el sal de tus ojos
English: I made the foam find the salt of your look.
Russian: Я заставила пену отыскать соль твоего взгляда

Portuguese: Voga ao de leve, meu amor
Spanish: Remo hacia la luz, mi amor
English: I sail towards the light, my love.
Russian: Я плыву к свету, любовь моя

Portuguese: Ao longe a barca nua a todo o pano.
Spanish: A lo lejos la barca desnuda va a toda vela
English: In the distance the sailess barque goes under full sail.
Russian: Вдали лодка плывет на всех несуществующих парусах.

Dulce Pontes Canção do Mar translation перевод

Fui bailar no meu batel
I was dancing on my little boat
Я танцевала в своей маленькой лодке

Além do mar cruel
There in the cruel sea
В жестоком море

E o mar bramindo
And the sea was crying out to me
И море взывало ко мне

Diz que eu fui roubar
Telling me that I should steal
Просило украсть

A luz sem par
The unique light
Ни с чем не сравнимый свет

Do teu olhar tão lindo
Of your beautiful eyes
Твоего взгляда

Vem saber se o mar terá razão
Come and prove that the sea is right
Прийди, чтоб я убедилась, что море не врет

Vem cá ver bailar meu coração
Come here and see me dancing my love
Прийди и посмотри, как я танцую, любовь моя.

Se eu bailar no meu batel
If I go dancing on my little boat
Если я пойду танцевать в моей маленькой лодке,

Não vou ao mar cruel
I won't go to the cruel sea
Я не выйду в жестокое море,

E nem lhe digo aonde eu fui cantar
Nor will I tell you where I was singing
И тебе не скажу, где я пела,

Sorrir, bailar, viver, sonhar contigo
Smiling, dancing, living, dreaming of you.
Улыбалась, танцевала, жила и мечтала о тебе.

Gonna have to watch the Tudors now. ( watched and did not like) But before that - tonight's star shower. Meteorite rain Russians call it.

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